Utility Thermal Energy Networks
in action across New York

Thanks to the passage of the 2022 Utility Thermal Energy Networks and Jobs Act, New York utilities have proposed 11 pilot projects to explore this technology to decarbonize entire neighborhoods in urban, suburban, and rural communities across the state. Use this map to explore the utility Thermal Energy Network coming soon to your community.

These are the pilot projects under consideration from the Public Service Commission (PSC). This map will be updated to reflect the progress made on these projects as they pass new benchmarks as well as future TENs in action beyond these pilots. For more information on these projects visit the PSC Docket on UTENJA here.

About Thermal Energy Networks

Thermal Energy Networks are utility-scale infrastructure projects that connect multiple buildings into a shared network with sources of thermal energy like geothermal boreholes, surface water, and wastewater. Find out more about how this clean infrastructure operates alongside the economic, climate, and health benefits here.